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Category: Politics (Page 4 of 6)

Apocalypse Wednesday: The Overturning Of Roe V. Wade/week 6

I’ve chosen yet again one topic to concentrate on this week because it is just that important to me and millions of other women worldwide.

First I would like to state for the record that I had an abortion in August of 1991. Why? Because I have never wanted children. Never. Plus, there was no way in hell that I was going to birth the baby of a total asshole who lied to me. I have no issues with telling this and I am not ashamed of it. So many women that I know online have been sharing their abortion stories because all of us are sick and fucking tired of Christian hypocrites trying to tell us what we can and cannot do with our own bodies.

Make no mistake, this was overturned because Evangelicals want control over women. They want women to be docile, agreeable, and to put all of their wants and desires on hold so that said men get everything they want. We are put on this planet, according to them, to give birth and serve men. That’s it.

People are comparing all of this to The Handmaid’s Tale which I think is totally fair because the real life events going on right now really do echo what happens in the book. On January the 6th 2021 Trump attempted to stage a coup by sending his followers into the Capital Building with weapons to subdue and murder politicians. The same sort of thing happens in the book, but they are successful.

On top of all of this Biden hasn’t done shit to try to block this ruling. The Dems knew that this was going to happen for months and they did nothing to prepare for it. Nothing. It proves just how right wing the entire American government is right now. It’s all about the money they get from corporations for their campaigns, not about doing what is right for the American people. To be fair there are a few leftist politicians, but they are told by the Dems in charge to sit down, not make waves and follow the party line.

I have never been a proud American because I saw through this kind of bullshit when I was back in high school in the 80’s. Any weirdo who lived through the Reagan and Thatcher years knows exactly what I am talking about. This ‘right to life’ protest crap started back then when the Evangelicals were catered to by Reagan and the GOP.

So, fuck the Supreme Court, fuck the US government in general, and fuck all of the Evangelical loonies that think that they have the right to tell women what they can and can’t do with their own bodies.

My Thoughts On The Overturning Of Roe vs. Wade

Fuck the US government.

I had an abortion in 1991 and I will never regret getting it. Most of the women I have known through the years in the US have gotten them. We are fucking legion and we have more power than the hypocritical religious zealots trying to tell women what they can and can’t do with their own bodies.

If I still lived in the US I would be attending protests against this fascist state bullshit. There isn’t even a US embassy where I live so all I can do is help behind the scenes and harass the hell out of the politicians that made this a reality.

If you are going to be on the streets in the coming weeks please use some common sense. Do not bring along a phone, know your exit routes and dress to blend in rather than to stand out. Just use your street smarts to stay safe.

Apocalypse Wednesday: The Colorado River System, Including Lake Mead And Lake Powell, Is Drying Up/ Week 5

Video recently made showing just how low the level of Lake Mead is right now.

I have decided to just cover this one topic this week because of the seriousness of what is going on. According to the L.A. Times the federal government has told the seven Western states that rely on the water to cut their consumption drastically in the next two months. Why? Because the Colorado River system is literally drying up.

Why are people still moving to the American Southwest? Because they believe the bullshit that the housing developers are telling them. These developers claim that they can’t build homes if there isn’t enough water to support them, all while Lake Mead and Lake Powell, the largest reservoirs in the area, are visibly drying up. These same people more than likely think that the US government will save them. How? By building pipelines to the Great Lakes? Good luck with that.

What is going to happen to all of the people currently living there? Where are they going to go? This is the huge question that many are speculating on right now. Needless to say there will be mass migrations of people leaving that area very soon, looking for somewhere else to live. The people who wait too long are going to be stuck in their houses with no water or electricity, and with no way to leave. Basically if you leave you live, and if you wait you die.

What baffles me about all of this is how little this is actually being discussed. I mean, are people actually thinking that if they ignore what is going on that it will just go away? That everything will be back to ‘normal’ as soon as it rains? Things are never going back to ‘normal’ because the planet is literally dying. To think otherwise right now is to be asleep.

Apocalypse Wednesday: June 8-15 Week 4

I love the hell out of Fallout 3. Have you noticed?

8/6/22 When warned of a climate crisis a US energy firm spent over $62 million on climate change denial ads.

This shouldn’t come as a surprise since it has been going on for decades. They think if they ignore climate change it will just go away. It won’t.

9/6/22 A single day price hike of gasoline in the UK is highest in 17 years.

This is happening daily pretty much everywhere and things will only get worse. People are going to be financially unable to use their cars very soon and will have to think of different ways to get around such as biking, buses, trains and walking. Things are never going back to ‘normal’ when it comes to this.

9/6/22 Lake Mead water level is now below 30 feet.

This is not being reported on as much as it should me. This water is used by millions in the US Southwest. If I lived in that area I would get out sooner rather than later. There is going to be no water there in10-20 years. Maybe even sooner than that.

9/6/22 Scientists have grown human skin around a robotic finger.

You read that right….Cyberdyne here we come! I’m betting that this is going to be used in the porn industry. Kind of creepy when you think about it.

12/6/22 Running out of time to breed weather resistant wheat.

A lot of the world’s wheat crops are doing very badly right now due to climate change. Scientists are trying to breed wheat that can survive in heat and cold. I’m not going to count on this.

Apocalypse Wednesday: 25th May-1st June 2022 Week 2

The town of Megaton in Fallout 3. Where post-apocalyptic fun is had!

Before I start this week’s list I would really like to talk about the school shooting in Texas. It’s disgusting what happened and it proves that all cops are cowardly bastards. Gun laws in the United States need to be more harsh, so that insecure incel men can’t easily purchase guns right after they turn 18. If there had been a waiting period those little kids would probably still be alive right now. The United States has an angry incel terrorist issue that needs to be taken seriously by their government.

May 25th World supply of wheat will only last a total of 10 more weeks.

A food insecurity expert has given this warning to the UN, so you know that this is a very serious issue. Wheat production in both Russia and Ukraine usually equals a full 1/3 of the world’s supply, so the war going on right now is halting production and blocking the exporting of this grain. Putin would rather starve the world than pull out of Ukraine. Tells you all that you need to know about the evil prick.

May 26th Big Salmon farms in New Zealand are closing due to overly warm water.

New Zealand is the biggest exporter of chinook salmon. In fact 85% of the world’s supply comes from there. Right now these farmed fish are dying off in huge numbers because the water is growing too hot for them to survive in. It’s climate change in real time.

May 30th Previously cheap food is getting too expensive for the poor in the UK.

The prices of basic food items, such as pasta, bread and minced beef are going through the roof. This is happening pretty much everywhere right now. Tons of people are starting to use food banks so that they can have more than one meal a day and to feed their children. This is only going to get worse as the months go by.

May 30th Almost 500,000 small UK businesses will go bust within a few weeks unless they receive help from the government.

I don’t think the Tory UK government actually cares about any business unless it is owned by them or their cronies. Tons of people will lose their jobs if this is allowed to happen.

Apocalypse Wednesday: 18-25 August 2022 Week 1

Fallout 3 is peachy keen! You have not experienced life until you have roamed the Capital Wasteland.

I’ve decided to start a weekly feature all about the apocalyptic crap that is going on around us; weather disasters, famine, disease, and economic meltdowns have all been in the news lately. I will give a link, my opinion on the subjects that I present and give the reasons as to why we should all be concerned. We can’t reach our post-apocalyptic Shangri-la without having to crawl through the muck first.

May 18th Italy’s Longest River Fed By Melt From The Alps Dries Up Its Food Basket Threatening Collapse

You read that right, Italy’s longest river, the Po, is producing so little water that the wheat growing region of Northern Italy is in threat of collapsing. This region alone produces something like 40% of Italy’s GDP. Not to mention how much of Europe relies on this wheat. Most of the pasta in Europe comes from Italy so if this growing region totally dies the price of wheat is going to go insanely high, higher than it is already.

Why is this happening? Because the Alps are not receiving enough snow. Not enough snow, then there is not enough water. Plus, on top of all of that the permafrost and glaciers that once covered the mountains are almost gone. This is also happening to the Colorado River in the United States. We should all be concerned about this because where are all the people from these areas going to go once the water is gone?

May 19th What Is Monkey Pox Virus And Should We Worry

Mother nature is very, very angry with us right now. The news on this is changing pretty much on a daily basis, but from what I have read there are 2 different versions of this, one with a 1% fatality rate and the other is at 10-15%. There is a ton of info saying it is spread by both sex and droplets. It is related to smallpox. If you were born after 1972 you never got a smallpox vaccine which means you may be more prone to catching monkey pox. Keep your fingers crossed that this will not turn into yet another worldwide pandemic.

May 21st Iraq Records 90 Infected And 18 Deaths From Viral Haemorrhagic Fever

They aren’t sure exactly what is causing this and that makes it all the more worrisome. What is stopping this from spreading ? Sheer luck at this point,

That’s it for this week! Have fun and stay safe!

Want My Thoughts On The Overturning Of Roe Vs. Wade? FUCK THE US GOVERNMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Exploited were right 40 years ago. FUCK THE USA

I had an abortion 31 years ago in the US and have never regretted it. Never. If abortions had been illegal during that time in the US I would have killed myself. Having one saved me from a life that I did not want to live; being tied to a lying asshole after being forced to have his child. So, FUCK THE US GOVERNMENT. They have absolutely no right to tell a woman what she should and shouldn’t do with her own body!!! I no longer live in the US and there isn’t a US embassy where I live so I can’t do shit in person but I will fight this shit online. If you are in the US please get out in the streets in protest!!!! In the immortal words of The Exploited BEAT THE BASTARDS!!!!!

That Time I Gave Ronald Reagan’s Secretary Of State, George Shultz, The Finger

The true evil empire of the 1980’s.

I have always been left winged and I openly hated Reagan all through high school in the late 80’s. Conformity was a total way of life back then, so I of course got a lot of crap in high school for disliking him. The cult of Reagan was a real thing. With all of that being said I jumped at the chance of visiting DC in late 1987 with a group called Close Up. It was an organization which taught teens about politics, and I met other teens from all over the country there. Most, if not all, of the teens were Reagan supporters so thinking I was unpopular is correct. I actually won an award on the last night for being the most politically engaged out of the entire group and I got booed. I also got booed at my high school graduation so this was the start of a trend. You know you are doing something right when all of the conformist Reagan cultists hate you.

With all of that being said, the week I was in DC was also coincidently the week that the US and the USSR signed the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces(INF) Treaty. One of the days we were allowed to walk wherever we wanted to before a big lunch. Two friends and I were walking near the Capital Building when we noticed a motorcade of black limos coming towards us. First the Soviets came by and they actually slowed down, rolled down their windows, and happily waved to us as they drove past. There were little USSR flags on the front of the limo, so yes it was them. Then came the Americans, who didn’t open their windows or wave to people at all. Being the savvy teen that I was I knew that Shultz had to be in one of them and sure enough as his limo slowly went past I could see his very recognizable profile. Immediately I gave him the finger while shouting repeatedly for him to go fuck himself. My friends told me to stop because they were scared of being arrested but I kept going until he was out of sight. I told my friends that they could not arrest a sixteen year old for using her constitutional right to criticize the US government. I was correct.

Looking back on my teen years this is the event I am the most proud of. As a sixteen year old I had a bigger set of balls than a lot of the adults did during that time. I talked the talk and walked the walk, the same as I do today. During that time I was into The Dead Kennedys, U2 and other politically minded bands. All of that music taught me that it was more important to stand up against horrible situations and people, rather than just sitting back and doing nothing. I hope this inspires you to do the same.

Gothgate; How I Got Permanently Banned From r/goth On Reddit


I have been permanently banned from commenting and participating in the r/goth community over on Reddit. You may well be asking what the hell did I do to piss off the moderators over on there so badly? Well, basically, I got banned for refusing to change who I am. Seriously. My personality was deemed inconvenient and I was told that if I didn’t change how I reacted to some of the idiots on there that I would be banned. I refused to change who I am as a person so here we are! This starts to get entertaining pretty early on so enjoy the ride!

The first hint that I may have been pissing off the r/goth mods was a message that I was sent by the head mod. I was only able to get one screenshot of those because they are only saved on their side of things and not on mine. Aggressive? More like I told people the truth and didn’t sugarcoat things. I can be brutally honest, but sometimes that is what is needed for people to ‘see the light’ so to speak. The people who made complaints couldn’t deal with being wrong so they cried to the mods. The mods didn’t really feel like being mods so they passed their responsibility onto me. Which is of course bullshit. Sign up to be a mod of a large online community? Expect to have to deal with people constantly crying because things aren’t going the way they want them to.

Below is the first and only message I saved from the short conversation with the lead mod. As you can see I am being called ‘aggressive’ and I automatically disagree with them. Telling people the truth bluntly is considered aggressive apparently. If people can’t handle being told the truth that is not a me problem. This is the way I have always acted online and I have never gotten such a message from a mod of an online community before concerning my behaviour.

In response to this I wrote a complaint about it on their weekly thread. Notice how I did not start my own thread about it in the community. I knew doing it this way would kind of startle them because they probably expected me to make an angry thread and bounce.

I make a very good point below. If people cannot deal with being told the truth of things online then they are going to be emotionally unable to deal with confrontation in the real world. That is an issue that is not my fault or my responsibility to have to deal with. Yet somehow he next calls me an aggressive douche. He says that not being as confrontational is not a big ask? He is basically trying to tell me to change how I am as a person so that their job is more easy. Telling somebody to change their personality within a community that tells others to be themselves all of the time? Wahahaha!!!! The stench of hypocrisy, there is nothing like it.

They actually did need me way more than I needed them. I constantly do DIY projects and have a whole lot of knowledge on that subject. I also know a whole lot about goth/punk/post-punk music that came out of the 80’s and 90’s. You can’t get all of this kind of information from books or websites, sometimes you need somebody who actually lived through the times to tell you what it was really like. Their loss.

This next part is very, very entertaining. I know for a fact that I was the oldest person who participated in that group on a daily basis. I’m too repetitive in my comments? When people ask the same damn questions just about every single day in the community am I just supposed to make up new things to say? I was not competing for the Nobel Prize in journalism or literature, I was only telling the truth to those who had no idea what they were on about. If people think that telling the truth is being aggressive then they are going to be among the first to go once society goes completely off the rails within the next few years.

Oh, and this bitch had the audacity to say all of that after I had sold her a pair of almost new pikes for very cheap last year. She is saying she doesn’t need me now, but by golly she needed me when she wanted those pikes last year.LOL

She then passively aggressively lies about me ripping her off. Luckily I saved a screenshot of when I told her how much it cost me to send them. Did I get an apology? Of course not! If you are a cowardly passive aggressive bitch that is completely on you and not on me.

Had to be? Wahahaha!!!!!!! Try to play the victim by stating that you were a broke college student? That’s funny but I didn’t know that broke college students could spend £200 on a new pair of pikes. Maybe she will share what bank she uses because I need in on some of that action. Mamma needs another pair of boots.

A few hours after this I commented on a random half naked chick’s ‘big tiddy goth girlfriend’ pic and didn’t report it because why the hell should I help them at this stage. I knew they were going to end up banning me so I wrote a final post on their bitching Sunday thread. I didn’t make it into a separate post of its own because I knew that they were just chomping at the bit for me to do that. Instead I went out on my own terms and stated exactly what I was thinking, as I always do.

Soon after this I got two different messages, as seen below. Not only did they permanently ban me from participating in the group they muted me from sending the mods messages for three days! I freaked them out so much that they had to hide behind muting me. Hypocritical cowards are going to be hypocritical cowards.

There you have it folks. I got kicked off of r/goth because of being myself and not agreeing to change who I am as a person. I actually feel a sense of pride. Instead of giving in to peer pressure I stood up for myself and didn’t back down. If I could survive Donald Trump illegally blocking me on Facebook when he was President of the United States then I can easily survive this.

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