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Category: Punk (Page 1 of 7)

More Evidence Against Erin Micklow From The Band Still Pist

Their version of the incident, which is way more believable than the other side.
Not a single bruise. If she had truly been ‘jumped’ she would not be that lily-white right now.

A closer photo of the cut and swollen lip that were the result of Erin’s boyfriend clocking her.

Erin Micklow, Infamous Punk Influencer, Got Beat Up At A Show

Video about what took place because I don’t link to her.
The other side of the story.

Killstar Is Trying To Hide Information And One Of Their Job Listings Is Very Telling

Cool Documentary Called The Chinatown Punk Wars Has Been Released

Preview that is very peachy-keen.

If you know about the history of LA punk then you know about the battle that happened between two different Chinese restaurants in Chinatown who both wanted to cater to live punk shows in order to make more money. A documentary on PBS has been made about it, and it includes interviews with Alice Bag, Keith Morris and others who were in the midst of all of the chaos going on. If you don’t know the history of LA punk then this would be an excellent starting point to gain some knowledge.

Tips On How To Shave An Undercut Hairstyle

Oh noes, I’m not a ‘true goth’ because I’m not wearing make-up! *sarcasm*

If there is something that I know how to do well is shaving an undercut. I have been doing it on and off since 1988 so I have had a bit of practice. I’ve had a complete undercut, a deathawk and right now it is shaved on only one side.

The tools you will need.

If you have never had an undercut I would highly suggest going to a hairdresser the first time, because they are more than likely to get the lines straight which makes it more easy for you to do it yourself. The above tools are what I use to do my hair. I use a rechargeable clipper so that I don’t have to worry about extension cords or anything like that. It is smaller than most clippers which makes it way more easy to get into tight spaces.

I look like I have mange because white hair is more translucent and I have a lot of it.

In the above photo I am holding my long hair flat down so that shaving along that line is more easy for me to do. I do as much as I can in the bathroom mirror before I have to use the handheld mirror in conjunction with it. To keep the hair flat on the side in the back I tightly put my hair in a ponytail so that I can hold the mirror in my left hand and shave with my right hand. If you are right handed the left side will be more difficult and if you are left handed the right side will be more difficult. Make sure the clipper doesn’t get clogged with hair by blowing the hair out of it as needed. I have thick hair so I have to do this pretty frequently.

It is very common to accidentally shave some of the longer hairs, but the good news is that it will grow back. I never freak out when this happens because it is the price I pay for wanting this haircut. I shave it about every three weeks on a ‘1’ setting. I have never shaved it with a razor because cuts on the head tend to bleed a lot.

I hope this helps you on your undercut journey and that you get the courage to do it yourself and save some money.

Cleopatra Is Rereleasing The Misfits Single Who Killed Marilyn

This is a pretty big deal because no Misfits material has been rereleased since that complete box set came out over 25 years ago. It’s a picture disc and Cleopatra say that other versions, including a signed edition, are in the pipeline. Being the huge Misfits fan that I am I had to order this, and when the signed edition comes out I will also be ordering that. This is probably going to sell out fairly quickly so grab one while you can. It’s a pre-order that is going to be released right around Halloween, which is very fitting. EDIT: Signed edition sold out before I could get to it, which is fine because they wanted over £100 for it. LOL EDIT 2: More signed editions are coming supposedly. Knowing Cleopatra they’ll make twenty different colours of it.

Metalheads Used To Beat The Shit Out Of Punks And Anybody Who Looked Alternative In The 80’s

Do you know why whole lot of older goths dislike metal music and aren’t open minded about listening to it? Because metalheads used to threaten and beat the shit out of punks, goths and anybody who looked different back in the 80’s.

I graduated high school in 1989 so I witnessed this shit first hand. I wore skull buckle boots and a bunch of black eyeliner back then so I was targeted. However, it was only the male metalheads who would give me shit. I actually hung out sometimes with those of the female variety so I didn’t get the level of shit that some others got. There was a pecking order at my school. Jocks fucked with the metalheads and the metalheads fucked with anybody else who dressed strange. They were basically punching down.

Things were so bad in the late 80’s that I knew of somebody, who dressed very ‘goth’, whose leg was broken after they were pushed by a metalhead off of a high walkway. Thankfully the dude didn’t die, but the fact that an asshole thought it was okay to treat another person like that speaks volumes about just how bad things were.

I personally didn’t hate metal music during that time, but all of this bullying behaviour made me not want to listen to it. I only started getting into Danzig, Metallica and Slayer after high school partially because of this. The people who used to tease and threaten people who looked like me now want to be like me and that is a total mindfuck. It still trips me out just how many metalheads are also into goth music these days, because if they had liked both back in the 80’s they would have been called ‘faggots’ by those who only listened to metal.

Things are different these days in some aspects, but in some ways things have stayed the same; lately there has been a steep increase of some metalheads bringing their racist bullshit into other alternative subcultures. Not all metalheads are racist but for whatever reason the racist variety really love to jump on the goth train. I swear almost every single racist that I have run into online in goth communities has also been heavily into metal. It is such a real life trope that it has become very predictable at this point.

By the way, all of this happened in the San Francisco Bay Area which was a more liberal area of the United States. If it happened there it sure as hell happened in other areas of the country. I am sharing all of this because I think it is important for people to learn the true history of what happened back then; some male metalheads would physically take their insecurities out on anybody who looked different.

Fuck The U. S. Government, Unhappy 4th Of July

I think the last time I celebrated the 4th of July was in the late 80’s when I was a teen, and even back then I knew what was up; the racist Reagan administration sucked and there was nothing to truly celebrate. As of right now the Supreme Court has struck down a law concerning Affirmative Action and is now allowing businesses to discriminate against others for any reason they wish. They don’t like the colour of your skin? They can refuse to serve you now. The United States is very quickly becoming a true fascist state and I for one never want to go there again. FUCK THE USA!!!!!

Killstar Is Going Down In Flames

The other day I mentioned on here about how Killstar has fired all of their design team. Well, that was only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what is happening within the company right now. Yesterday I received a detailed email from my source about all of the insane crap going on inside the company and how it is affecting their bottom line. I’m usually not easily shocked when it comes to tales of workplace drama, but this is different.

That American private equity firm Bertram Capital didn’t outright purchase Killstar, like I had previously stated on another post. Instead they bought a majority stake in the company when the original owner, Tequila Star, wanted capital to expand and bring the company up to scratch. To say that she made a bad financial choice would be the understatement of the century. She chose a company who have no knowledge of alternative subcultures and it really shows.

Tequila Star stepped down as CEO of the company when Bertram Capital came into the picture, and they placed their own person into that role. They also brought in new heads of merchandising, products, etc.. This was done to restructure the company so that it functioned better. This is what the company needed; structure that worked more efficiently so that things could be run more smoothly. However, that is not what has happened.

Since the takeover the company has been struggling. Why? Because they are running it just like any other business, thinking that the same tactics would work for it that they have previously used elsewhere. In the autumn of 2021 they brought in a new head of product, and it became obvious very soon that she was overwhelmed by the role and had no clue as to what she was doing. Instead of listening to the employees and the fans of the brand as to what was wanted and what would work they ignored all of the advice and pushed for collaborations. Remember that horrid Avril Lavigne line of products that came out that everybody, including myself, made fun of? That was her idea.

That alone proved that they hadn’t a clue about punk, goth, emo,etc… subcultures. The fact that they thought that Avril Lavigne was in line with what fans of the brand wanted speaks volumes. They tried bragging about how well the line sold but it was very obvious that they couldn’t move the pieces because they looked like crap. The recent really ugly Dario Argento line is yet another example. I love Argento’s films but I wouldn’t wear that crap even if somebody promised me £100 to do so.

Then on top of all of this they put the head of design, who had been with the company for over five years, on garden leave and then outright fired her. They didn’t replace her until the Spring of 2022, and the guy they chose had no knowledge or interest in alternative designs. He was totally unfit for the role and was gone after a few months. They then brought in somebody else whom they also let go after only a few months.

During all of this they brought in people to try to structure the design team. Predictably these people had no knowledge or respect for alternative styles and subcultures. They created a very hostile work environment; so much so that some of the people within the product and design teams quit.

What happened next? Tequila Star came out of hiding and is now CEO once more. So, basically she fucked around and found out. I don’t pity her at all because she made some very badly informed financial decisions. Even I know about how private equity firms work and how detrimental they can be to the running of a company. The head of products was fired this past April and has not been replaced. My source thinks that Star has been working directly with the designers since she came back. However, things must not be going too well since the entire design team has been suddenly let go.

So, basically Star is trying to bring the company back from the brink of financial disaster but it really is too little too late. The reputation of the brand has been in the sewer since Bertram Capital came into the picture. Line after line of badly designed cheaply made clothing has been pumped out and it shows. Most of the newer pieces are the same silhouettes as older pieces with just new graphic designs being thrown up onto them. There is no originality taking place which is pretty telling. Also, their homeware range is now mostly brought in from suppliers and is not designed in house.

My source has some theories as to what is going to happen next with the company. Apparently they have lines designed for up to this Autumn, so my source thinks that they cut the entire design team in order to appear more solvent when they try to sell the company to a new buyer. This makes some sense and could indeed be what is happening. Another theory is that they will just hire freelance graphic designers and slap new designs onto the same old silhouettes. Lastly, they might just bring in everything from outside suppliers.

Apparently Killstar is making way less money this year than they did last year so it may be too late for Star to steer the company in the right direction. The only people that I feel sorry for in this entire situation are the alternative people who worked for the company and were shafted.

This entire situation is what happens when you let a private equity firm run an alternative focused company; you lose credibility with you core customers who no longer want anything to do with you and your inauthentic ways.

I Am Uploading A Ton Of CDs


I used to DJ goth-rock, deathrock and punk music over twenty years ago. It was at the height of when synthpop and EBM music took over goth clubs so it was a pretty dire time to be into goth-rock or deathrock. In fact I was one of the few DJs in the areas that I lived that spun the deathrock revival music that was appearing during that time. So, needless to say, I own a lot of goth music from the 80’s and 90’s. Including tons of compilations. During the 90’s there were a lot of them and many were quite good.

So, I will be spending the next few days uploading all of them to my new laptop. Technology is both a curse and a blessing.

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