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Category: Goth Subculture (Page 1 of 12)

Last Grasp’s New Video Goth Enough Is Perfect!!!

More Troubling Information About Killstar Has Come Forth

This is the perfect representation of Killstar right now; muck circling the drain.

Songs I loved Dancing To In Clubs In The 80’s-90’s: Wumpscut – Mother (1995)

Yes, this song is almost 9 minutes long.

She Got Kicked Out Of A Virginia Mall For Being ‘Too Goth’

The ‘too goth’ are her words not mine. She publicly posted this photo of herself so I am sharing.

Gothic Beauty Is Using AI Images In Their Social Media Posts & They Are Very Upset People Found Out!

They say this image isn’t AI, all while the chick’s skin looks manipulated as hell. She has no skin texture.
One of the AI images in question.

Killstar Is Trying To Hide Information And One Of Their Job Listings Is Very Telling

Killstar Is Making Remote Workers Redundant If They Do Not Come Into Their Brighton Office

The dumpster fire that is Killstar has turned into an inferno.

Vision From The Goth Band Tragic Black Is A Far Right Wing Supporter

Vision is the person in the middle.

Time To Shame Those Silent Over Gaza

Geordie Walker Of Killing Joke Has Died

Geordie Walker, one of the founders and guitarist for Killing Joke, has died of a stroke at the age of 64. Killing Joke is a band that is impossible to fit into just one music style box, and that is the reason why they have always been such a highly influential band to so many different musicians. My thoughts go out to his friends and family. May his memory always be a blessing.

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