I don’t want to be buried in your goth fetishization cemetery.

If you are a woman in the goth subculture and have any kind of presence in the online goth community you have ran across people who fetishize goth women. Such people, who look at goth women as purely a sex object, are commonly called leg humpers. They are so common that if you claim to have never run into one of them online I am going to automatically think that you are either very naive or in a huge state of denial.

I actually encountered a leg humper on Reddit the other night. A young goth woman, more than likely underage, posted a photo of herself and this leg humper proceeded to tell her that he didn’t mean to come across as a pervert. They always say that kind of thing, which actually automatically makes them a pervert. Then he gave her the opinion that she should never wear a lot of make-up because women who wear a lot of make-up never look good. This is another very common tactic that they use. They want to screw a goth chick, but only if she looks exactly like what their idea of goth is. What is their idea of a goth woman? Good question!

This phenomenon is in no way new. When I was a younger goth/punk chick in the 80’s/90’s I would have totally normal looking guys hit on me. I would always push them away because I could tell immediately that I had nothing in common with them. If they started to talk about goth or punk music that would be a totally different situation, but this type of guy would never head in that direction. They would usually say that I looked nice. It’s a sad state of things in a society when you can’t take a compliment because you know for a fact that it is done for nefarious reasons. They just want to fuck you, to tick a box off on their wish list.

These days the fetishization of goth women is more out in the open because of the internet. A prime example of this is the whole ‘I wanna big tiddy goth girlfriend’ trend that has been going on for the last few years. I’ve done some quick research on this and apparently it started off as a joke meme, and then for whatever reason people started to take it seriously. A goth woman is seen as a rare mythical creature such as the yeti or unicorn, and because of that rareness they become more desirable. Goth women are turned into objects to collect.

If one of these men actually manages to land a goth woman they will quite frequently tell the woman not to look so goth any longer. This is in part because such men are very insecure and don’t want other men to try to steal away the object that they have managed to score. If humans had scent glands like skunks they would rub all over their goth woman so that others would know that she is taken. Also, they are actually embarrassed by being seen with a goth woman. They are very conflicted; goth women are hot, but others think they are freaks and I’m not one myself!

One of the more insidious beliefs about goth women is that they are freaks between the sheets. They must like being tied up and whipped because they are wearing a collar, black lipstick and platform boots. They must! Yes, that are actually some goth women who do enjoy that type of thing, just like some non goth women do. However, not every goth woman is automatically into kink. Wearing black clothes and accessories with buckles and chains doesn’t magically turn a woman into a demonic sex kitten.

The biggest issue that I have ran across online, that just perpetuates this whole mess, are women who aren’t in the goth subculture who dress ‘goth’ in order to make money. They usually take sexy photos of themselves wearing black lipstick and clothes, from such sites as Dollskill, and charge men money to look at yet more half naked photos of themselves. I’m all for people making money how they can, but these chicks tend to openly advertise themselves in online goth communities where they are many underage teenagers. I’ve actually called out women for doing this because I think it’s irresponsible as hell.

I don’t think any of this is going to disappear anytime soon. However, if you are a goth woman and run into a leg humper online please voice your objection to such behaviour. You are not a ‘thing’ or an ‘object’ to collect, and you deserve to be treated with respect just like any other human being.