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Tag: Big Tiddy Goth Girlfriends

Hip-Hop/Trap Is Not A Form Of Goth Music

Cross Vanilla Ice with Marilyn Manson and this is what happens.

There are a bunch of people right now who think that recent really shit hip-hop/trap bands are goth just because they sing about sad or dark subjects. This is perpetuated by said bands who advertise themselves as ‘goth’ in order to seem ‘dark’ and ‘dangerous’. The funny thing about all of this is the fact that these bands create a falsehood about a subculture because they believe in certain stereotypes about the subculture that are false.

Before I really dig into this I would like it to be known that I am a fan of early hip-hop and rap music. I respect the hell out of bands such as NWA and Public Enemy because they were not afraid to write songs about the issues that affected them and their communities. Hip-hop/rap music grew right alongside punk music, and I think what those two bands accomplished was way more in the spirit of punk that mainstream type pop-punk bands such as Green Day. I am looking forward to Public Enemy’s new album What You Gonna Do When The Grid Goes Down and have pre-ordered it. This is all to say that I do not hate all hip-hop/rap music.

Who are these bands causing these issues? One of the more visible groups of musicians associated with this phenomenon are gothboiclique, who frequently also get labelled as ’emo rap’. It’s all actually a bit confusing because their fans quite often can’t decide to either call them goth or emo. Many think both genres are the same, when in fact we know that they are not. Just because somebody sings about emotional or dark topics doesn’t mean that they are automatically goth or emo. Goth is a form of post-punk that started in the late 70’s while the roots of emo stretch back all the way to the 80’s. They are both guitar oriented types of music, in which some keyboards may or may not make an appearance. It’s not the other way around. They also get described as SoundCloud rap because it is the music platform they mostly appear on. Also, there is another collective group out of Atlanta called The Vampire Cult. How edgy of them.

When called out on all of this they will almost always call you a gatekeeper, because you are calling their identity into question. Most of them are teens who want to desperately belong to a subculture, even if they don’t really know what said subculture is actually about. If one of their favourite musicians call themselves ‘goth’ then they latch onto that because basing their identity on the opinion of a musician is seen as more ‘real’. They even try to look like these musicians, drawing crap on their faces and wearing black hip-hop/rap associated clothing.

As I said in the start of this these musicians who call themselves ‘goth’ are basing their understanding of the goth subculture off of the mainstream stereotypes of the goth subculture. For instance, a lot of them love Marilyn Manson and think that he is a goth who makes goth music. Apparently, from what I have read online, he hung out with some of them and has name dropped them before. I don’t know how true that is but it really sounds plausible. Since the mainstream has always thought that Manson is goth because he’s ‘spooky’ and ‘dark’, these musicians think that if they sing about the same subjects that they should also be considered goth. What they fail to realise is that Marilyn Manson has never been considered a part of the goth subculture by the majority of the people who actually participate in it. He is an abuser of woman and a vile piece of shit on top of all of that.

Another really obvious thing that contributes to this whole miasma of misunderstanding is the image that ‘dark’ clothing companies perpetuate as being how ‘goths’ are supposed to look. The moon, pentagram, pentacle, ankh and general clusterfuck of religious symbols vomited upon clothing and objects is something really easy for these musicians to latch onto. All they have to do is spend some money and they can look ‘dark and ‘spooky’ and be granted automatic entry into the goth subculture. When they try to enter the goth subculture by dressing this way, instead of actually listening to real goth music, they get very defensive and the term ‘gatekeeper’ gets thrown about.

If you are one of the people that I have been describing here is a list of actual goth bands. This is a very diverse list so there is something for just about everybody on it. If you don’t like any of these bands at all then perhaps you should look into a subculture whose music you actually do like, because it makes no sense to call yourself a member of a subculture whose music history you hate.

  • Christian Death
  • Lycia
  • Sex Gang Children
  • Sonsombre
  • Pawns
  • Mystic Priestess
  • Nox Novacula
  • Detoxi
  • Then Comes Silence
  • Panic Priest
  • Kentucky Vampires
  • Scary Black
  • Horror Vacui
  • Bauhaus
  • Love &Rockets
  • Sisters Of Mercy
  • Virgin Prunes
  • The Cure
  • Mephisto Walz
  • The Creeping Terrors
  • London After Midnight
  • Angels Of Liberty

Mainstream Beauty Ideals Have Wormed Their Way Into The Goth Subculture

Why does this skull have ears? That concerns me more than the blood.

I know that you are probably thinking that this has always been an issue, and you are right because to some degree it has. However, in the last few years in particular, I have noticed more and more concerning images that have been used as an artificial advertisement for the subculture; everything from obvious fake tits to an overuse of Facetune and Photoshop. The goth subculture wasn’t created to fit into the mianstream, it went against what the mainstream thought was beautiful. This change is really concerning and in fact really pisses me off.

First off, let me start this off by saying that you can do whatever the hell you want to do with your body because that is your choice. If you are going to try to start a career as being a model in the goth subculture though you have a resposibilty to present a realistic image of somebody actually in the subculture. Fake tits are normal in the mainstream print modeling world, You know, the half naked photos of chicks with big breasts next to cars and motorcycles. Since that is the case why the hell would anybody think that such an image would be okay to promote the goth subculture? It’s further playing into the ‘big tiddy goth girlfiend’ stereotype that really harms goth women.

An even more disturbing trend than fake body parts are the women who model for dark fashion brands who have their features totally changed with the obvious heavy use of Facetune and Photoshop. Its gotten to the point that you have to look really closely at the photos to see if they are in fact human, rather than a mannequin. Others say that those models have a right to present their aesthetic in any way that they please. If they were just doing art based photo shoots I could agree with that, but they are presenting these fake images of themselves on dark fashion sites that are largely looked at by younger people. These teens and kids naively look at these photos and think that if they wear the same clothes and try to look as pale as possible that they will look like the models. The fact is that they will never naturally look like them.

Last, but not least, the majority of models who appear on the dark clothing sites are young, white, thin and with straight hair. Just like mainstream society you are considered more pretty if you look as non ethnic as possible. As a white woman with naturally curly hair I can’t tell you the number of times that I have been asked by hairdressers if I want my hair straightened the moment I sit down in their chair. The only hairdresser that hasn’t done this is the one I go to now and I love her to pieces. This makes teens with curly hair and darker skin think that they can’t be goth, and there are some racist bitches who state that you have to be white to be goth. The original goth subculture in the 80’s had people of colour and all sorts of people with curly hair, so why the hell should mainstream beauty stereotypes be accepted into the subculture?

When it comes down to it these dark fashion sites, and the models themselves, have a responsibility that they should be taking way more seriously. Some dark fashion sites have been using more people of colour as models for their clothes within the last year due to the barrage of complaints that people rightfully threw their way. This is encouraging, but those goth mannikins still seem to be popular. There should be some sort of industry wide limit when it comes to the use of Facetune and Photoshop. Finally, it seems that more dark fashion companies are now selling plus sized clothing and featuring plus sized models than they were a few years back.

When enough people complain it has been proven that the perpetrators of such crap actually sometimes listen. I’m 100% certain that some of the dark fashion sites are not making very much money right now since many people are now unemployed. Their target audience of teens are no longer getting large allowances to spend on their clothes from their parents. Meaning that all of these issues might naturally sort themselves out really soon.

The Fetishization Of Goth Women Deserves A Painful Death

I don’t want to be buried in your goth fetishization cemetery.

If you are a woman in the goth subculture and have any kind of presence in the online goth community you have ran across people who fetishize goth women. Such people, who look at goth women as purely a sex object, are commonly called leg humpers. They are so common that if you claim to have never run into one of them online I am going to automatically think that you are either very naive or in a huge state of denial.

I actually encountered a leg humper on Reddit the other night. A young goth woman, more than likely underage, posted a photo of herself and this leg humper proceeded to tell her that he didn’t mean to come across as a pervert. They always say that kind of thing, which actually automatically makes them a pervert. Then he gave her the opinion that she should never wear a lot of make-up because women who wear a lot of make-up never look good. This is another very common tactic that they use. They want to screw a goth chick, but only if she looks exactly like what their idea of goth is. What is their idea of a goth woman? Good question!

This phenomenon is in no way new. When I was a younger goth/punk chick in the 80’s/90’s I would have totally normal looking guys hit on me. I would always push them away because I could tell immediately that I had nothing in common with them. If they started to talk about goth or punk music that would be a totally different situation, but this type of guy would never head in that direction. They would usually say that I looked nice. It’s a sad state of things in a society when you can’t take a compliment because you know for a fact that it is done for nefarious reasons. They just want to fuck you, to tick a box off on their wish list.

These days the fetishization of goth women is more out in the open because of the internet. A prime example of this is the whole ‘I wanna big tiddy goth girlfriend’ trend that has been going on for the last few years. I’ve done some quick research on this and apparently it started off as a joke meme, and then for whatever reason people started to take it seriously. A goth woman is seen as a rare mythical creature such as the yeti or unicorn, and because of that rareness they become more desirable. Goth women are turned into objects to collect.

If one of these men actually manages to land a goth woman they will quite frequently tell the woman not to look so goth any longer. This is in part because such men are very insecure and don’t want other men to try to steal away the object that they have managed to score. If humans had scent glands like skunks they would rub all over their goth woman so that others would know that she is taken. Also, they are actually embarrassed by being seen with a goth woman. They are very conflicted; goth women are hot, but others think they are freaks and I’m not one myself!

One of the more insidious beliefs about goth women is that they are freaks between the sheets. They must like being tied up and whipped because they are wearing a collar, black lipstick and platform boots. They must! Yes, that are actually some goth women who do enjoy that type of thing, just like some non goth women do. However, not every goth woman is automatically into kink. Wearing black clothes and accessories with buckles and chains doesn’t magically turn a woman into a demonic sex kitten.

The biggest issue that I have ran across online, that just perpetuates this whole mess, are women who aren’t in the goth subculture who dress ‘goth’ in order to make money. They usually take sexy photos of themselves wearing black lipstick and clothes, from such sites as Dollskill, and charge men money to look at yet more half naked photos of themselves. I’m all for people making money how they can, but these chicks tend to openly advertise themselves in online goth communities where they are many underage teenagers. I’ve actually called out women for doing this because I think it’s irresponsible as hell.

I don’t think any of this is going to disappear anytime soon. However, if you are a goth woman and run into a leg humper online please voice your objection to such behaviour. You are not a ‘thing’ or an ‘object’ to collect, and you deserve to be treated with respect just like any other human being.