welcome to the abyss

Author: dystopiagal (Page 2 of 29)

Gothic Beauty Is Using AI Images In Their Social Media Posts & They Are Very Upset People Found Out!

They say this image isn’t AI, all while the chick’s skin looks manipulated as hell. She has no skin texture.
One of the AI images in question.

Rest In Power Aaron Bushnell

These are the last words that Aaron said.

Killstar Is Trying To Hide Information And One Of Their Job Listings Is Very Telling

Killstar Is Making Remote Workers Redundant If They Do Not Come Into Their Brighton Office

The dumpster fire that is Killstar has turned into an inferno.

Vision From The Goth Band Tragic Black Is A Far Right Wing Supporter

Vision is the person in the middle.

You Know You Are Living In A Dystopian Hellscape When…..

Please Donate Money To The UNRWA If You Are Able Because Palestinians Need Your Help

Some of the devastation in Gaza.

Time To Shame Those Silent Over Gaza

Some Cool Badges And Patches I Received This Week

This is kind of a lazy post but it is freezing cold and my MS symptoms hate me right now.

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