I don’t really discuss having multiple sclerosis on this blog, mainly because I don’t want to make the disease my identity. However, I have such good news that I feel like sharing.

There is no cure for this disease and scientists still haven’t figured out what exactly causes it. However, there are many newish DMT (disease modifying therapy) drugs that a patient can take to slow down the progression of the disease. A MS diagnosis used to be a death sentence until such drugs were available starting around twenty years ago.

When I was diagnosed about five years ago they immediately put me on Plegridy, which was a shot that I had to give myself every other week. Those shots would tire me out so much that I would be crashed out in bed the entire next day. So, I told my doctors that I wanted to stop taking that shot and be put on something else. I am now on Tecfidera which is a twice daily pill and I barely have any side affects from it at all.

If you go on a new MS med they want to do a MRI scan within the year to see if any new lesions appear on your brain or spine. If there are new lesions that means the med isn’t working to slow it down. I had a scan about a month ago and guess what???? I officially have no new lesions on my brain or spine!!! Which means that the med is working for me. I feel like a weight has been lifted off of me and it has made me so happy!!!

There are some really crap things happening around the world right now, but sometimes you just have to slow down and relax. It’s okay to be happy and to celebrate small victories right now.