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Tag: Racism

John Lydon Is A Trump Supporting Moron So I Have Deleted All Of His Music From My Life

The idiot in question.

If you haven’t heard by now John Lydon, of The Sex Pistols and PiL, has openly announced that he is voting for Trump. Before this I had thought that he wore that one Trump shirt months ago to really piss people off. However he has fully doubled down on his support for the racist pig. This being the case I have decided to cut all ties with him.

You’ve got to understand that boycotting his music really pains me a lot because both the Sex Pistols and PiL were among the first weirdo bands that I listened to in the 1980’s. I literally deleted all of his associated music off of my computer yesterday and I got very close to tears because ultimately I feel betrayed by Lydon. The man who made the song World Destruction with Afrika Bambaataa is not the same man who is supporting an openly racist conman.

From what I have read, and understood, one of the reasons why he is supporting Trump is because he identifies with him in terms of being accused of being a racist. Apparently, after a Sex Pistols appearance in 2008 at a festival, some racist words were said backstage by the Pistols road-crew towards the singer of the band Bloc Party. This was witnessed by and confirmed by other members of several bands. On top of that Lydon also said nasty things to the guy. I had no clue about any of this until a few days ago and it totally blows my mind that Lydon refutes all of this and has the nerve to say that he doesn’t support racism even though he is willing to support Trump who is openly racist.

Lydon is actually still claiming that he is working class even though he owns two homes in the US and one in the UK. Sorry John, but working class people can’t even afford to buy one home these days let alone three in two different countries. I think he has gotten to the point in his life that he is just regurgitating the crap that he said over thirty years ago that doesn’t apply to him at all these days. Yes, his wife Nora is slowly dying from Alzheimers and that’s sad, BUT that doesn’t give him an excuse to act like a damn moron and go against things that he used to fight for.

He also claims that people shouldn’t get stuck in a set of beliefs forever. So, he is justifying his support for a racist prick by saying that it’s good for people to change their minds. Guess what John? It is never good to change your mind about the act of racism because in doing so you yourself become a racist. Racism is bad and is never something that should be condoned or excused. Don’t want to be called a racist prick? Then don’t support one. The really bad part about all of this is that his (step)grandchilden are of mixed race. I wonder how they feel about him supporting Trump?

Lydon is now dead to me and I will never listen to his music again. Fuck you Johnny!

America Has Never Been Great, It’s A Myth

Right wing presidential candidates, such as Trump, have loved to claim that if we elect them to office that they will make America great again. The simple truth is that America has never been great, except for the wealthy white men who have exploited both the people and the environment of the country. This is their nation after all, not yours.

As a lot of you know I am an American who has lived in Europe for about the last eight years. I spent my first 41 years mostly in the San Francisco Bay Area. Despite being one of the most left wing areas of the entire country schools still taught a lot of American propaganda. This is something that every single person in America has experienced in one way or another, you can’t escape it.

The very first thing you are taught is to repeat the Pledge Of Allegiance every morning before class starts. You stand in class, put you hand over you heart, say it and then sit down. During the pledge you may or may not be watched closely by the teacher. Some of them will get angry if you don’t say it and others don’t really care at all. If you don’t say it you will usually get crap from the other students for not loving America etc…The modern pledge added the words ‘under god’ in 1952, and legally you are under no obligation to have to actually say it. School districts that still make children say it are routinely sued by parents. The supreme court, in 1943, ruled that it is against the 1st amendment to be made to say it. By the time I was a teenager I mumbled it or changed the words. Countries that make their citizens say pledges of loyalty have been historically fascist and nationalistic in nature. Places in which not everybody is treated equal.

Next in this indoctrination comes being taught that America is the greatest nation on the planet that every existed. You are told this outright and in parables, such as George Washington never lied. I actually don’t remember being taught a lot about the slave trade and how America was built upon the backs of them. What I know about slavery and the Civil War I learned from reading books and watching the Ken Burns documentary The Civil War which aired in 1990, the year after I graduated from high school. I imagine that some schools probably show that documentary in history class, or at least I hope they do.

I remember a lot of time being spent leaning about WWII, and how America entered it because we supposedly hated Hitler and wanted to defeat Germany. Nothing could be further from the truth. The only reason why America went to war against Germany is because America declared war on Japan, their ally, after their attack upon Pearl Harbour. Germany felt obligated to then declare war on America because of this. The majority of Americans did not want to even enter WWII, partially because of the devastation caused by WWI and also because a whole lot of people actually liked Hitler. In fact there was a large group called The German American Bund who held a pro-Nazi rally in New York City at Madison Garden in 1939 in which 20,000 people attended. America was dragged kicking and screaming into war against Germany. Remember, this ‘greatest generation’ of people were also the ones that approved of segregation and largely didn’t want it to end.

The 1939 German American Bund Nazi rally that filled Madison Square Garden in New York City.

I also don’t remember learning that much about segregation, and how people gave their lives in order to end it. If we learn anything about that era of American history it’s usually about Martin Luther King’s ‘I Have A Dream’ speech and then how he was assassinated. We aren’t really taught about the long struggle that people of colour have had to fight against racial prejudice, one that they are still fighting today.

So, knowing all of this I have a question. When was America ever great for all Americans? The simple answer is that it has never been great for anybody besides wealthy white men. So, when Trump says that he is going to make America great again he actually means that he is going to help wealthy white men stay in power. Wealthy white men have been losing their grip on power because the white population of the country has been falling, and minorities are now more represented than ever before.

This doesn’t mean that wealthy white men are going to go down without a fight. They try to corral the rights and power of women by attempting to control their reproductive rights. They try to hold black people down by funding and condoning militarized police forces that openly murder and antagonize people in black communities. They try to stop immigrants, illegal and otherwise, from coming into the country by separating families and locking the children in cages. Remember, only wealthy white people from selected countries should be approved to live in the US because they are the sort of fine people who made America great in the first place.

America will only ever be great if every single person in that country is treated as an equal. When the blatant use of the ‘other’ isn’t used as a scare tactic to divide the underclass of society. Americans should be fighting against these wealthy white men in power instead of against each other. If the vast underclass of America was to openly fight against the policies that these wealthy white men create then things would change for the better for everybody.

In the very wise words of Public Enemy, FIGHT THE POWER.