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Category: rant (Page 3 of 6)

Why Are Predators Supported Within The Goth Subculture?

She Wants Revenge, whose members have been accused of perpetuating sexual assault. being supported by post punk dot com. The post only got taken down when people complained.

Have you heard about how the members of She Wants Revenge didn’t really give a crap when people employed in their wannabe goth club were sexually assaulted? Remember the LA Times article detailing what occurred in 2021? To refresh your memory here is a free version of the take-down. All of this is public knowledge and I remember this being discussed in tons of goth online spaces during the time the article was released,

Since all of this crap happened She Wants Revenge were effectively cancelled, as well as they should have been because fuck these assholes. That is until Post punk dot com got it in their heads that it would be perfectly fine to promote them. Why would they think that? Mostly because they care more about scene cred than anything else. They have to put up the latest ‘news’ to look like they are on the cutting edge of promoting whatever shit band they are calling ‘post-punk’ these days. Women sexually assaulted at a club that the band members ran? Who cares about that! What is more important is having scene cred so that all of your young readers will buy whatever crap music from whatever crap band you are promoting before they move onto something else.

This is not the first time this kind of the thing has happened. Time and time again musicians, DJs, and promoters within the goth subculture are given a free pass to do heinous acts.

Up next, let’s talk about the singer for the bands Bella Morte and The Rain Within; Andy Deane. The allegations against him are so many and so credible that some of his ex band mates have dropped him as a friend. He emotionally abused multiple women by cheating on them, stealing their money and giving some of them STDs. There were so many women involved in his web of bullshit that there used to be a website dedicated to telling their stories. I’m not joking, this asshole has a long and rich history of pulling this shit, and yet he still gets invited to play gigs and some goth musicians still support him. Remember kids, scene cred is way more important than protecting the lives of women. Fuck this guy.

Lastly I want to talk about a promoter in the Washington DC area named DJ Panic. I have first hand experience with this steaming pile of shit because I moved to the area without knowing anything about anybody back in 2003. We messed around a bit BUT he started ignoring my phone calls and pretended I didn’t exist. Seriously. When I went to his job once to ask him what was going on he started to call me crazy. Ummmm….I don’t know…..but when you are act like a gaslighting little bitch you deserve to be confronted and treated like the piece of trash that you are. This serial emotional abuser did the same thing to other women right after me. Imagine my surprise twenty years later when I learn of this asshole being in charge of booking goth/industrial gigs in the DC area. I’m being sarcastic, because I actually wasn’t surprised at all. He has claimed that he is a changed person and that he has apologized to all of the people he hurt. Funny, I never got one even though I am easy as hell to find online. It shows you just how much that area cares about the safety of women. They don’t at all.

What can we lean from all of this? That scene cred is much more important than kicking somebody out of the subculture. If the abuser has ‘connections’ with club owners and bands then they are usually deemed too important and their behaviour is excused away. The DJs and musicians who support these assholes are just as bad in my opinion because they know exactly what is going on but don’t lift a finger against them. This has been a dirty little secret going on in the subculture for decades and one that almost nobody tells baby bats about. If a baby bat asks me about going to goth clubs I always tell them to act like it’s any other kind of club because there will be predators there.

The goth subculture has never been a safe space for everybody, especially women and it’s about time that the truth comes out about this HUGE issue.

Apocalypse Wednesday: Should You Be Prepping For Food Shortages Right Now? YES! Week 7

Lord Humungus thinks you should prep.

Before I start I would like it to be known that I am in no way a right wing loon who has built a bunker and who thinks the world is going to end. I am a leftist woman with mainly anarcho-communist tendencies. Now, let’s get on with the show.

When you read this blog you will notice that quite a few of my Apocalypse Wednesday posts include links to news stories about droughts and the devastation caused by climate change. Scientists, including those representing the UN, have announced over the last few weeks that there will be shortages of wheat this fall and winter due to climate change caused droughts around the world. Wheat farms in Canada, the United States, Italy and elsewhere have not produced the amount of wheat needed to feed the world. Countries that would normally export all of their excess wheat are now keeping it for themselves. This, in turn, causes those in poorer areas of the world to starve to death because they are not being sent the grain.

Do I think people in North America, Europe, and other affluent areas are going to starve? Nope, but there are going to be limited choices as to what you can buy. There might be only a few kinds of cereal when there used to be dozens. Prices are already starting to go up, especially when it comes to meat and fish. For example, I bought 12 tinned cans of salmon for £24 the other day and this morning the price went up to £33,

I know that all of this seems very scary, because it is. However, with a little planning you can lessen the impact that these shortages will have on you and your family.

  1. Only buy food that you already eat. Others are telling people to buy giant bags of rice and beans, BUT if you don’t already eat beans and rice it doesn’t make sense to buy them.
  2. Make sure you buy enough protein, and it doesn’t have to be fresh meat. You can buy tins of tuna, salmon, chicken chunks, Spam,etc… Peanut butter is another great source of protein, and you can even buy it in powdered form to freshly mix your own.
  3. If you bake buy enough flour, sugar and other ingredients that you normally use. The upcoming wheat shortage is already being felt in terms of pricing so this is a very important step.
  4. If you live in an area with upcoming water shortages buy water storage containers. Fill them as needed.
  5. Instant coffee sachets literally last forever. Buying them makes more sense than trying to store a bunch of coffee beans in the freezer. Plus, the sachets will be very good items to use in food trades, if things come to that.
  6. Buy tinned fruit and veg. There is still produce around right now but the quality has gone downhill.
  7. If you have a hobby get all the gear you will need sooner rather than later. I have stocked up on thread, studs, and other such things because I do a lot of clothing DIY projects.
  8. Been eyeing certain ‘alternative’ type items, such as bright hair dye or platform boots? It’s best to get them sooner than later because who knows what brands are even going to survive all of this. Some are already having constant clearance sales which isn’t the sign of a healthy business.

I hope I have changed some minds about the need to prep right now, because it is the logical thing to do to make sure that you and your family have enough to eat in the coming food crisis.

Killstar Playing Into The Big Tiddy Goth Girlfriend Trope. Way to go!

This is just the beginning of the horrors that will be awaiting you in this post.

A few hours ago I was innocently checking my emails when I ran into this doozy. It is an ad for a new payment plan to buy their clothes. Think of it as the Only Fans of dark alternative clothing. You put up a list of the Killstar items that you want on social media and try to get people to pay for them. How you do that is entirely up to you, but Killstar wants to help you down the road.

Yep, share your link with your sugar daddy girls!

I had to do a double take when I saw the above. The goth subculture has been dealing with a lot of fetishization issues, especially when it comes to goth women. Sugar daddies? Are they for real? They want people to beg for clothing that they don’t actually need during a literal economic collapse? Instead of earning cash from Only Fans for flashing your boobs they want you to flash your boobs to get their clothing. Clothing, by the way, whose quality has gone totally downhill within the last year or two.

This is not something that a healthy company would be doing. On top of this they have had constant 30% off sales for the last few weeks. They keep churning out all of these really ugly styles that look like they are made of cheap polyester. I haven’t even bought anything from their clearance section in over six months now because of this.

Has it come to this? Late-stage capitalism can be a trip sometimes.

Apocalypse Wednesday: The Overturning Of Roe V. Wade/week 6

I’ve chosen yet again one topic to concentrate on this week because it is just that important to me and millions of other women worldwide.

First I would like to state for the record that I had an abortion in August of 1991. Why? Because I have never wanted children. Never. Plus, there was no way in hell that I was going to birth the baby of a total asshole who lied to me. I have no issues with telling this and I am not ashamed of it. So many women that I know online have been sharing their abortion stories because all of us are sick and fucking tired of Christian hypocrites trying to tell us what we can and cannot do with our own bodies.

Make no mistake, this was overturned because Evangelicals want control over women. They want women to be docile, agreeable, and to put all of their wants and desires on hold so that said men get everything they want. We are put on this planet, according to them, to give birth and serve men. That’s it.

People are comparing all of this to The Handmaid’s Tale which I think is totally fair because the real life events going on right now really do echo what happens in the book. On January the 6th 2021 Trump attempted to stage a coup by sending his followers into the Capital Building with weapons to subdue and murder politicians. The same sort of thing happens in the book, but they are successful.

On top of all of this Biden hasn’t done shit to try to block this ruling. The Dems knew that this was going to happen for months and they did nothing to prepare for it. Nothing. It proves just how right wing the entire American government is right now. It’s all about the money they get from corporations for their campaigns, not about doing what is right for the American people. To be fair there are a few leftist politicians, but they are told by the Dems in charge to sit down, not make waves and follow the party line.

I have never been a proud American because I saw through this kind of bullshit when I was back in high school in the 80’s. Any weirdo who lived through the Reagan and Thatcher years knows exactly what I am talking about. This ‘right to life’ protest crap started back then when the Evangelicals were catered to by Reagan and the GOP.

So, fuck the Supreme Court, fuck the US government in general, and fuck all of the Evangelical loonies that think that they have the right to tell women what they can and can’t do with their own bodies.

My Thoughts On The Overturning Of Roe vs. Wade

Fuck the US government.

I had an abortion in 1991 and I will never regret getting it. Most of the women I have known through the years in the US have gotten them. We are fucking legion and we have more power than the hypocritical religious zealots trying to tell women what they can and can’t do with their own bodies.

If I still lived in the US I would be attending protests against this fascist state bullshit. There isn’t even a US embassy where I live so all I can do is help behind the scenes and harass the hell out of the politicians that made this a reality.

If you are going to be on the streets in the coming weeks please use some common sense. Do not bring along a phone, know your exit routes and dress to blend in rather than to stand out. Just use your street smarts to stay safe.

Apocalypse Wednesday: The Colorado River System, Including Lake Mead And Lake Powell, Is Drying Up/ Week 5

Video recently made showing just how low the level of Lake Mead is right now.

I have decided to just cover this one topic this week because of the seriousness of what is going on. According to the L.A. Times the federal government has told the seven Western states that rely on the water to cut their consumption drastically in the next two months. Why? Because the Colorado River system is literally drying up.

Why are people still moving to the American Southwest? Because they believe the bullshit that the housing developers are telling them. These developers claim that they can’t build homes if there isn’t enough water to support them, all while Lake Mead and Lake Powell, the largest reservoirs in the area, are visibly drying up. These same people more than likely think that the US government will save them. How? By building pipelines to the Great Lakes? Good luck with that.

What is going to happen to all of the people currently living there? Where are they going to go? This is the huge question that many are speculating on right now. Needless to say there will be mass migrations of people leaving that area very soon, looking for somewhere else to live. The people who wait too long are going to be stuck in their houses with no water or electricity, and with no way to leave. Basically if you leave you live, and if you wait you die.

What baffles me about all of this is how little this is actually being discussed. I mean, are people actually thinking that if they ignore what is going on that it will just go away? That everything will be back to ‘normal’ as soon as it rains? Things are never going back to ‘normal’ because the planet is literally dying. To think otherwise right now is to be asleep.

What The Series Stranger Things Gets Wrong About ‘Alternative’ Music From The 80’s

Did the guys who came up with this series actually remember the 80’s? No, because they were born in 1984. So, when you watch this series you are getting a version of the 80’s that never really existed. One in which ‘alternative’ music was listened to by everybody and played at school dances. Nothing could be further from the truth.

I was a teen in the 80’s that graduated high school in 1989 and who listened to a bunch of ‘alternative’ type music back then. You have to understand that in the 80’s the term had a different meaning than it did in the 90’s. In the 80’s alternative music was anything that wasn’t played on the mainstream pop stations. That covered everything from New Wave, to what would become Goth, Ska bands, etc….Punk was sort of under the same umbrella, but standing a bit to the side. It was connected but considered more ‘out there’ by a lot of people. So, alternative music in the 80’s was considered to be too strange to listen to by most people because only weirdos, who didn’t dress like them, liked it. In the early 90’s the record execs knew this and decided to call the Seattle ‘grunge’ bands ‘alternative’ so that they seemed more rebellious. Yep, Nirvana, and all of those bands, were sold as pre-packaged rebellion and all of the pop music lovers fell for it.

This would have never been played at school dances in the 80’s.

So now that I have laid out what things were actually like musically back then let’s get to the issue at hand, how Stranger Things gets all of this very, very wrong. The older brother character, I can’t bother to look up the name, talks about Joy Division, and yet he goes to a party and doesn’t know that a chick is dressed up like Siouxsie? Um….nope. Joy Division was a very underground band during the 80’s, one of those that you only learned about through other people. Their music was not played on mainstream stations, at dances or anywhere actually. The only place I ever heard them, outside of my own stereo, was at alternative clubs. That’s it. However, Siouxsie & The Banshees were more well known and they even got played on the mainstream stations once in a while. So, if you were any kind of weirdo in the 80’s you would have known who Siouxsie was, but there was a good chance that you may not have heard of Joy Division. Joy Division only got super huge when all of the hipsters started liking them to seem cool about 20 years ago.

Please don’t think I am against teens learning about 80’s music and enjoying it. My issue is that these kids are thinking how cool it must have been back in the 80’s to have been a weirdo. It was never cool in the 80’s, through to most of the 90’s, to be considered ‘weird’. If you didn’t want to conform you got shit on by just about everybody for not fitting in. I remember people in high school asking me why I wanted to look like a vampire. Having seen the 30th reunion photos they all look about twenty years older than me, so who is laughing now bitches? Alternative music would never be played at school dances because a lot of people thought only weirdos listened to it, and who would want to be one of those freaks?

This song was only played at alternative clubs in the 80’s.

In conclusion, alternative music was not mainstream popular in the 80’s and to say otherwise is rewriting history. All of this could have been avoided if the writers had actually done some research instead of putting out a version of the 80’s that never existed.

Do Black Lives And Immigrants Only Matter When Morrissey Isn’t In Town?

Looks like he is trying to take a dump.

In an earlier post here I discussed in length as to what happened when I confronted Sean Brennan of London After Midnight about playing Cruel World Festival. To be fair I wrote the same exact email to a few other bands playing it as well. In the back of my mind I just knew that Sean Brennan’s ego would get the better of him and he would respond. Bingo!!! For literally decades he’s been known as being kind of an asshole so I had fun with him and bounced. In reality I actually don’t blame many of the bands for playing the gig because so many bands went broke during the pandemic.

So what is getting my panties in a bunch? People who claim to support black lives and immigrants are paying to see Morrissey, a musician who has been proven time and time again to be a racist, classist and just an all around terrible excuse of a human being. I’ll give you time to think about the sheer hypocrisy of it all for a few minutes. Got it? Okay, let us proceed.

I know that some people don’t genuinely know all about the crap he has said over the years, so I am not talking about them. A lot of teens and young adults will just take an artist for their word without understanding that some of them can be very bad people if you just scratch their skin and look underneath. However, those who do know about all of his bullshit and still went to see him anyway deserve a ton of negative attention because apparently supporting a known racist musician is just peachy-keen because he made music in the 80’s.

I can hear you asking what the heck did Morrissey say to piss me, and other leftists, off so much. Well, here you go! Enjoy the ride of racist quotes, vegan insanity and not believing sexual assault victims! Still pay to see him after knowing all of this? Piss off and fuck your feelings.

  • Of the Norway massacre in which 77 people died, Morrissey heralds to a Warsaw crowd, “That is nothing compared to what happens in McDonald’s and Kentucky Fried shit every day.”
  • Discussing animal cruelty in China: Morrissey tells the Guardian, “You can’t help but feel that the Chinese people are a subspecies.”
  • “If you have any concern for animal welfare, for example, you cannot possibly vote for either Conservatives or Labour, because both parties support halal slaughter, which, as we all know, is evil. Furthermore, halal slaughter requires certification that can only be given by supporters of ISIS, and yet in England we have halal meat served in hospitals and schools!”
  • On the far-right political party For Britain: “For Britain seem to say what many British people are currently thinking, which is why the BBC or Channel 4 News will not acknowledge them, because, well, For Britain would change British politics forever.”
  • On acid attacks: “London is second only to Bangladesh for acid attacks. All of the attacks are non-white, and so they cannot be truthfully addressed by the British government or the Met Police or the BBC because of political correctness. What this means is that the perpetrator is considered to be as much of a victim as the actual victim.”
  • On immigration: “Although I don’t have anything against people from other countries, the higher the influx into England the more the British identity disappears.
  • On Kevin Spacey: “As far as I know, he was in a bedroom with a 14-year-old. Kevin Spacey was 26, boy 14… When you are in somebody’s bedroom, you have to be aware of where that can lead to. That’s why it does not sound very credible to me. It seems to me that Spacey has been attacked unnecessarily.”
  • On reggae music: “The most racist music in the entire world… an absolute total glorification of black supremacy.”
  • On Brexit: “As for Brexit, the result was magnificent, but it is not accepted by the BBC or Sky News because they object to a public that cannot be hypnotised by BBC or Sky nonsense.”
  • On Nigel Farage: “I nearly voted for Ukip. I like Nigel Farage a great deal.”

All of these quotes are available on multiple websites, so if you want to explore Morrissey being a racist wanker you can just Google ‘Morrissey racist quotes’ and tons of sites will pop-up. I really hope this opened your eyes to who Morrissey really is and that you will no longer support him.

Want My Thoughts On The Overturning Of Roe Vs. Wade? FUCK THE US GOVERNMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Exploited were right 40 years ago. FUCK THE USA

I had an abortion 31 years ago in the US and have never regretted it. Never. If abortions had been illegal during that time in the US I would have killed myself. Having one saved me from a life that I did not want to live; being tied to a lying asshole after being forced to have his child. So, FUCK THE US GOVERNMENT. They have absolutely no right to tell a woman what she should and shouldn’t do with her own body!!! I no longer live in the US and there isn’t a US embassy where I live so I can’t do shit in person but I will fight this shit online. If you are in the US please get out in the streets in protest!!!! In the immortal words of The Exploited BEAT THE BASTARDS!!!!!

Classism Is Alive And Well Within The Goth Subculture

The truth.

Classism sucks and I find it sad as hell that it is alive and well within the goth community. What I am stating shouldn’t be a shock because you can easily find examples of this online. Everything from insisting on buying only thrift clothes to telling people to buy only handmade items falls into this.

Thrifting clothes as of right now is very ‘in’. So much so that people will raid thrift stores and then resell the items for twice as much online. Even thrift stores have gotten into the act. Quite often they will charge more for the same items than you can get for new elsewhere. People always screech that you should get everything thrifted because they think that is the only way we bought clothes over 30 years ago. Actually, a whole lot of us bought clothes from regular mall type shops. Stores like Contempo Casuals sold very goth friendly alternative clothes and just about everybody I knew back then got at least some of their wardrobe from there. So, don’t feel guilty that you can’t buy a lot of thrifted clothes. You may even not have any thrift stores near where you live, and that’s okay.

This was originally a Killstar jacket. I did a ton of DIY work to make it look different.

People are also giving others a lot of shit for daring to buy clothing from ‘dark alternative’ online stores. I have made no secret as to how I purchase clothing from such sites; only on sale and never full price. Frankly, I really don’t give a crap where you buy your clothes from. Just as long as it isn’t Dollskill, who is a very problematic brand, I don’t care. You do you. Personally, I would never wear an entire outfit of just one brand but if that’s what you gotta do that is what you gotta do. Who the hell am I to judge you?

It is very classist to exclude somebody from the goth subculture just because they don’t have the money or the time to do DIY projects. Studs, paints and other such things cost money and can be expensive to buy online. In this economic climate it is super hard for many to afford all of this. I only have a lot of DIY supplies because I have bought them little by little when I have the cash to do so. Also, many people just don’t have the time to work on a huge project like a jacket. I have MS and sometimes it can take me weeks to complete something because of how exhausted I always am.

Where a whole lot of weirdos bought clothes in the late 80’s/early 90’s.

Remember that people have lives outside of online spaces and no longer live with their parents. The people who get really zany about all of this are the younger folk who either don’t know any better or who think they are an authority on the subject even though they don’t even know about basic goth bands such as Bauhaus. Some of them even attempt to create YouTube channels so that they can get sponsored and receive free crap to show off. Most of these type of YouTubers quit within a year or two because they want to jump off the goth train and climb onto another one.

Clout chasers should get no say in how you want to dress. Their reality of free gear and taking hours to look like a cheap-ass version of Siouxsie is not the reality for most of the people in the goth subculture. You do not have to spend tons of money on expensive gear to be a goth or to participate in the subculture. If you are poor and listen to goth music that makes you a goth, not the clothing that you wear. Be you, and don’t let the ignorant classist bullshit artists dictate where you should buy your clothes from.

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