This teddy bear isn’t a cunt.

It really seems to be ‘in’ right now to act like a raging toddler who screams ‘You’re not the boss of me!’. Rather than actually listening to health professionals who have spent years working with infectious diseases people will now follow the lead of some random anonymous person that they follow on social media.

How did we get to this point in history? The simple fact is that a certain percentage of the population are dumb cunts. People who think that their ‘freedom’ is more important than the lives of others. Screw helping vulnerable people avoid getting the corona virus and dying, they’re going to go to a bunch of stores without wearing a mask to show the world how much of a dumb cunt they are. They are like the kids in your grade school who would brag about picking their nose and then show off their huge boogers to the whole class. LOOK AT ME!!!!

This phenomenon isn’t just happening in the US and UK, it’s pretty much happening everywhere. The most common large maskless gatherings seem to be either church services or parties. So these cunts think either their chosen God will save them, or that they can’t catch it while being young and dancing drunk. This proves that being a dumb cunt doesn’t happen within just one age group or social economic class. You’ve even got dumb wealthy wanker cunts jetting off to go on vacations and then escaping from such places when told to socially isolate. Remember folks, it’s perfectly okay to be ignorant cunt when you have money.

Are you a dumb cunt who is reading this and getting pissed off because I’m calling you out? Good. If you get the disease because of not wearing a mask and not socially isolating I will not feel sorry for you at all. Seriously, why should I feel sorry for a person who chose to act like a dumb cunt? It is perfectly okay not to feel sorry for people who choose to act like spoiled toddlers.

Personally, I think databases in countries should be started on the people who refuse to wear masks and socially isolate. If these people attempt to go to hospitals after getting sick they should automatically be relegated to the parking lots and get treatment after everybody else. Spain is actually starting a database on people who refuse to take the vaccine, so I feel that this is a step in the right direction.

Don’t want to be considered a dumb cunt? Stop acting like a self righteous spoiled brat and wear a damn mask and socially isolate when you are told to do so. The end.