The event in question.

Last night I learned about an in person goth club event that happened recently in Florida. My first thought was of course it happened in Florida because so much dumb crap happens there. Immediately after that I thought that the promoters, DJs, and the band that participated are all self centred fucks who think that their event is more important than people catching the virus and dying. Apathy is one hell of a drug.

According to news sources Florida is one of the states that has been hit the hardest by the covid virus. Normal people would think that it would be a bad idea to hold an in person event during this time. However, the people that held this event aren’t normal at all. Instead they are ‘GOTHS’, with the big G, who are magical and don’t need masks and social distancing at all. Since this is the case they can hold events and act like everything is normal just because they can.

I’ve seen some of the footage of the event and I didn’t see a single mask being worn. Even the band, whose spittle is being spread all over the room because of their elevated status, aren’t wearing masks. They are Astari Nite and I’d like to thank them for warning me about how truly selfish and dumb they are so that I don’t waste any money buying their music. For whatever reason they thought that they were so important that they deserved to play an actual live show in person during a historic pandemic. If this had been the time of the Black Death they would be on a corner of a death filled street happily playing their music as people keeled over. They probably would write a song called ‘Bring Out Your Dead’.

The DJs at the event deserve some hate too, so let’s not forget about them. The only one I’ve ever heard of is DJ Jason, mostly because he comes across as a bit of an ass online. Somebody asked him about how they are putting on a goth music night because of the dangers of the virus and he basically says that they should ask the promoters about it. Oh hell no, he is just as responsible for this dumpster fire of an event as the promoters because he agreed to appear there. He has announced to the entire world that he is a self centered jerk that doesn’t care about the virus. He thinks that his ability, or inability, to spin music is such an important event that people should risk their lives to witness this immaculate miracle.

As you can tell this whole event has made me very angry and livid, and it has reminded me as to why I’ve been quite happy not attending any in person goth events for about the last twenty years. There has always been a really nasty streak of apathy in the goth subculture. In about the last ten years I have seen that slowly change as people in the subculture actually stand up for important issues instead of pretending that such issues don’t affect them at all. This event proves that this toxic attitude still exists. Participating in a live goth event during a historic pandemic is more important than protecting people from getting the virus. They think that they are so special that the virus is something other people get.

This was a photo of people not wearing masks at the event but I got threatened with legal action.EDIT: Found another photo of the event and there are maybe 3 people wearing masks. Want me to take this one down?

I was going to post a video of the maskless event that I saw on DJ Jason’s profile but he has, within the last 30 minutes, deleted it. I guess he found out that people are quite pissed off about this whole debacle. Just because he deleted it doesn’t mean that memories of the event are going to be suddenly erased. The internet remembers everything. What can we learn from all of this? That some people have such huge egos that caring about the welfare of others isn’t a priority. Don’t want to be shit on? Then don’t hold in person events during a huge pandemic.

The end.

EDIT: Here is yet another photo of the crowd and the band and not a mask in sight. It’s insane how many people there are in that enclosed space.

Death comes ripping.